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V. H. Drummond


(1911 - 2000)

Image of V. H. Drummond

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Carbonel The King of the Cats (1955)

Carbonel -the King of the Cats sleigh US.jpg book cover

When Rosemary buys a broom so she can earn money doing housework during the holidays, it comes with a royal cat and a spell.

Author(s): Barbara Sleigh
Illustrator(s): V. H. Drummond

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Carbonel The King of the Cats (2004)

Carbonel the king of the cats NYRB.jpg book cover

When rosemary buys a broom so she can earn money doing housework during the holidays, it comes with a royal cat and a spell.

Author(s): Barbara Sleigh
Illustrator(s): V. H. Drummond

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