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Adjai Robinson

(Adjai Nicholas Durosimi Robinson)


(1932 - 0)

Image of Adjai Robinson

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Femi and Old Grandaddie (1972)

Femi-and-Old-Grandaddie-rob.jpg book cover

This folk tale from Sierra Leone tells of a young boy who gives his last bit of food to an old river man, and receives something more valuable in return.

Author(s): Adjai Robinson
Illustrator(s): Jerry Pinkney

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Kasho and the Twin Flutes (1973)

Kasho and the Twin Flutes pinkney.jpg book cover

Kasho neglects his chores to practice his flute.

Author(s): Adjai Robinson
Illustrator(s): Jerry Pinkney

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Singing Tales of Africa (1974)

singing tales of africa rob book cover

A collection of seven traditional African folk tales.

Author(s): Adjai Robinson
Illustrator(s): Christine Price

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