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Catherine Sinclair


(1800 - 1864)

Image of Catherine Sinclair

Catherine Sinclair was a Scottish novelist and a writer of children's literature. Her work departed from the moralizing approach common in that period.

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Junior Classics Volume 6 (1912)

junior classics vol 6.jpg book cover

Selections from nineteenth century classics, including a large portion of Alice in Wonderland. For children from six to sixteen. Read online at Hathitrust.

Author(s): Lewis Carroll
Dinah Maria Craik
Mary Mapes Dodge
Mrs. Juliana Horatia Ewing
Lucretia P. Hale
Jean Ingelow
John Ruskin
Catherine Sinclair
Illustrator(s): Richard Doyle
John Leech
John Tenniel

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Old Fashioned Tales (1905)

Old Fashioned Tales EV Locas  Bedford book cover

Nineteen stories from the earliest children’s literature. Read for free online at Internet Archive.

Author(s): Thomas Day
Maria Edgeworth
Charles Lamb
Mary Lamb
Catherine Sinclair
Et al
Illustrator(s): F. D. Bedford

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