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Louis Wain


(1860 - 1939)

Image of Louis Wain

Louis Wain was an English artist best known for his drawings of anthropomorphised large-eyed cats and kittens.


Cats at Play (1903)

cats at play rackham.jpg book cover

A collection of stories and pictures, with one picture by Rackham.

Author(s): May Gladwin
Illustrator(s): Arthur Rackham
Louis Wain

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Faithful Friends (1902)

faithful friends et al rackham 1.jpg book cover

A collection of stories and pictures, which was frequently reprinted. This appears to be the first edition.

Author(s): Anonymous
Illustrator(s): Cecil Aldin
Arthur Rackham
Louis Wain
Et al

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Faithful Friends (1913)

faithful friends et al rackham 2.jpg book cover

A collection of stories and pictures, which was frequently reprinted. This later edition had better illustrations.

Author(s): Anonymous
Illustrator(s): Cecil Aldin
Arthur Rackham
Louis Wain
Et al

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The Monkey That Would Not Kill (1898)

Monkey that would not kill drummond  first ed book cover

A collection of stories about a monkey that could not be killed -- shot, hanged, thrown into the sea with a stone around his neck, blown up with dynamite -- but not killed. Read online at Hathitrust.

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Author(s): Henry Drummond
Illustrator(s): Louis Wain

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Mother Goose and Fairyland Tales (1904)

mother goose and fairyland crane.jpg book cover

A collection of fairy tales and nursery rhymes.

Author(s): Unknown
Illustrator(s): Walter Crane
Louis Wain
Et al

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Snowflake’s Picture Book (1910)

Snowflakes-Picture-Book-rac.jpg book cover

A collection of stories illustrated by Rackham and Wain.

Author(s): Uncle Maurice
Illustrator(s): Arthur Rackham
Louis Wain

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