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Mildred Boyle


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Mildred Boyle

Mildred Boyle is best known for her illustrations of the Little House on the Prairie series.

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By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939)

Pa takes a job on the railroad and move Ma, Laura, Mary, Carrie and Grace to the Dakota Territory where they spend the winter in a surveyor’s shanty.

Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Mildred Boyle
Helen Sewell

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Hans Brinker; or, the Silver Skates (1936)

Hans and his sister must help keep the family going while their father is ill.

Author(s): Mary Mapes Dodge
Illustrator(s): Mildred Boyle
Helen Sewell

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Little Town on the Prairie (1941)

In the seventh book of her biographical series, Laura is living with Ma, Pa, Mary, Carrie and Grace in De Smet and earns her teaching certificate.

Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Mildred Boyle
Helen Sewell

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The Long Winter (1940)

The Indians warn that there will be a hard winter so Pa moves Ma, Laura, Mary, Carrie and Grace to his store building in town for the winter.

Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Mildred Boyle
Helen Sewell

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On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937)

In the fourth volume of her history Laura and the Ingalls family move to Minnesota and live in a dugout on the banks of Plum Creek.

Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Mildred Boyle
Helen Sewell

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These Happy Golden Years (1943)

In the eighth book of her biography Laura Ingalls becomes Mrs. Almanzo Wilder.

Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Mildred Boyle
Helen Sewell

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