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Jenny Koralek


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Image of Jenny Koralek

Jenny Koralek was born on a farm in South Africa. She studied at the University of Paris. She began writing when he children were starting to leave home. She published numerous books and short stories. Several were translated into Greek, Dutch, Italian, Finnish, Danish and Norwegian.

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The Coat of Many Colors (2004)

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When their father gives Joseph a many-colored coat, his brothers are so jealous they determine to get rid of him forever. Imagine their surprise when they next see him as the Grand Vizier of Egypt.

Author(s): Jenny Koralek
The Bible
Illustrator(s): Pauline Baynes

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The Cobweb Curtain: A Christmas Story (1989)

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As the Holy Family are making their escape to Egypt, a spider hides them from King Herod’s assassins with a curtain of cobweb.

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Author(s): William Barclay
Jenny Koralek
Illustrator(s): Pauline Baynes

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The Moses Basket (2003)

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The story of Moses’ rescue by the Pharaoh’s daughter.

Author(s): Jenny Koralek
Illustrator(s): Pauline Baynes

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