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Brian Alderson


(1930 - 0)

Image of Brian Alderson

Brian Alderson is a British author, editor, translator, critic and historian of children’s books.

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The Blue Fairy Book (1975)

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A wide range of fairy tales, with seven from the Brothers Grimm, five from Madame d’Aulnoy, three from the Arabian Nights, and four Norwegian fairytales, among other sources.

The Blue Fairy Book was the first volume in the series and so it contains some of the best known tales, taken from a variety of sources.

This edition edited by Brian Alderson eliminates some of the weaker tales and corrects errors in others.

Author(s): Various
Illustrator(s): John Lawrence

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A Book of Bosh (1975)

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An anthology of lyrics and prose.

Author(s): Edward Lear
Illustrator(s): Edward Lear

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The Green Fairy Book (1978)

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This is the third collection of fairy tales edited by Andrew Lang. This new edition from Brian Alderson features many corrections and a few new translations.

Author(s): Leonora Blanche Alleyne Lang
Et al
Illustrator(s): Antony Maitland

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The Pink Fairy Book (1982)

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A collection of fairy tales from many lands. Brian Alderson has pruned, corrected and retranslated some of the stories for this edition.

Author(s): Leonora Blanche Alleyne Lang
Et al
Illustrator(s): Colin McNaughton

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The Red Fairy Book (1976)

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In this the second of his fairy books, Andrew Lang does take a hand in the writing. This edition was edited by Brian Alderson who has eliminated a few stories and supplied stronger translations for others.

Author(s): Andrew Lang
Leonora Blanche Alleyne Lang
Et al
Illustrator(s): Faith Jaques

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The Yellow Fairy Book (1980)

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A multitudinous collection of fairy tales from many lands.

Read online at

Author(s): Leonora Blanche Alleyne Lang
Et al
Illustrator(s): Erik Blegvad

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