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The Children’s Hour Volume 8

(Myths and Legends)

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Author(s):Eleanor Farjeon
Charles Finger
Joel Chandler Harris
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Howard Pyle
Hilda van Stockum
Illustrator(s):Roger Duvoisin
A. B. Frost
Robert McCloskey
Maud Petersham
Miska Petersham
Henry C. Pitz
Et al
Editor(s):Marjorie Barrows
Publisher(s): The Spencer Press
Year Published: 1953
Type: Hardcover
Genre: Fiction - short story
Gods and Heroes – Greek
Gods and Heroes – Norse
Gods and Heroes – Roman
Age Range: Ages 7-9: Short Chapter Books
Pages: 371
OCLC: 19378796


A collection of myth, legend and folktale.

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